02 6452 7747

7th April 2021
1945 mostly weaner cattle yarded for the 11th annual MLP weaner sale last Wednesday saw an outstanding line up of calves sell to record levels for both steers and heifers. There were 96 registered bidders on hand to compete at the rail with very spirited bidding from the start and throughout the sale.
Yearling cattle were limited in supply and saw the steers top at $2100 with most sales for 12-18 month old steers selling from $1880 - $2100. A few pens of 12 month old heifers ready to join ignited the bidding with prices pushing to a top of $1780 for a well presented pen of Hereford heifers A/c of DJ Dwyer & Sons. Most sales for the autumn drop heifers ranged from $1690 - $1750.
Spring drop steer calves 6-8 months old were presenting in excellent order and more weight than previous years. Prices reached $1860 for a pen of Short Horn X Steers A/c MJ Miners. The heavier drafts of spring steers sold between $1730 to $1860.
The middle run of steer calves sold to very strong demand and ranged from $1620 to $1700 with plenty of calves in this section in excess of $6.50 per Kg. Lighter calves sold extremely well with most sales for young light steers still ranging from $1380- $1550. These light calves were estimated to be ranging in the $7.50 to $8.00 per kilo area.
Spring drop heifer calves sold to very strong demand as both local and interstate buyers try to rebuild herds. The best of the heifer calves 6-8 months old reached $1670 with most sales for the heavier drafts ranging from $1500 - $1670. Lighter heifer calves maintained the dearer trend to sell between $1250 - $1460
Steers from start to finish averaged $1667. Whilst the entire yarding of heifers averaged $1471
Buyers came from Gippsland in Victoria, Bairnsdale, Coonamble, Tamworth, Dubbo, Albury, Wagga, Tumut, Goulburn, Scone, with some local and South Coast purchasers.
MLP would like to thank all our vendors and congratulate them on their presentation of their stock. We would also like to thank all our yard staff and local livestock carriers for helping making this sale a stand out success on the day.

Monaro Livestock & Property
9th Annual Weaner Sale – 3rd April 2019
Monaro Livestock & Property conducted their second weaner sale for the autumn on the 3rd April selling 3800 head.
The quality of the yarding was excellent with most of the weaners showing freshness, responding to the slow improving season on the Monaro, although weight was back on previous years.
In the yarding of 2400 steers 5 pens of 18mth olds were offered selling to $1380 for 19 Angus steers weighing 441kg($3.12c/kg) A/c Trevor & Judy Thompson from Jindabyne for Rosskin/Hazeldean blood cattle.
The tops of the late winter/spring drop steers were outstanding with 10 pens selling above the $1000 mark topping at $1075 for 22 Hazeldean blood weaners A/c Walker Phillips from Jerangle, weighing 310kg($3.46c/kg) and A/c Old Springfield 14 Rosskin blood Angus weaners 332kg making $1070($3.22c/kg) with high quality weaned Hereford steers Mawarra blood selling $1015 ($2.90c/kg) from Glenriver Pastoral Co, Delegate. The general run of spring drop steers sold in the $650-$900 mark to record a solid result with younger calves $450-$600, making $2.80 to $3.40 c/kg. The sale at times did slow up on the smaller pen lots and came back under the $2.70c/kg.
Two pens of 18month old heifers sold to $1065 for Angus heifers A/c Patricia Dixon. One major SA order was absent due to excess number that saw the lead pens a little cheaper in places on recent sales but once selling got into the middle run the market steadied with several large orders in place with most of the spring drop heifers selling in the $500-$600 range topping at $725 for a wonderful pen of Hazeldean/Rosskin blood heifers A/c EBH2 P/L. Lighter younger heifers sold to a variable market but an order from the Riverina helped put a floor in the price.
Buyers came from Coonamble, Albury/Wodonga, Wagga, South Coast, Boorowa, Cootamundra, Corryong, Korumburra and local support with commission buyers sending weaners to Tamworth, Adelong and Tasmania.
Once again MLP would like to take this opportunity to thank all our vendors, livestock carriers and yard staff for their valued help in making this sale a great success.

Monaro Livestock & Property
9th Annual Weaner Sale - 20th March 2019
3800 Mostly weaner cattle with some yearling cattle yarded and sold at the first of the Autumn sales in Cooma.
The market made significant gains on the previous week on the forecast of rain in the north of the state and rain already fallen on the South Coast and up to the Southern Highlands.
Best of the yearling steers sold to $1295 with most sales from $1020-$1190
The spring drop steers presented very well given the dry/hot summer and topped at $930 with buyers keen to secure the heavier drafts. These steers were estimated to be selling in the $2.90-$2.95per kilo range. Most sales for the heavier drafts ranged from $820 - $910.
Middle weight spring drop steer weaners met solid competition and in isolated sales sold above the $3.00 per kilo mark up to $3.10per kilo. Most sales from $660-$785.
Light weight steers sold to a dearer trend and ranged from $300 - $460
Yearling heifers were in limited supply but restockers were keen to buy. Best yearling heifers sold to $1040. Most sales $680-$1000.
Spring drop heifers sold to $200 dearer than previous sales with buyers chasing bloodlines and quality with two orders from the north chasing on numerous pens. Best of the heifer weaners sold to $815. Most sales $650-$780.
Middle run of spring drop heifers also sold to substantially dearer rates than the previous week selling from $450-$580.
Lighter heifers well supplied and sold to firmer rate ranging from $250-$380.
105 registered bidders were in attendance with cattle selling to Coonamble, Tamworth, Mudgee, Young, Moss Vale, Cootamundra, Harden, Wagga, Bega and South Coast, Pakenham (Vic), Corryong (Vic), Albury/Wodonga as well as local buyers from Cooma and Bombala.
MLP would like to take this opportunity to thank all our vendors, livestock carriers and yard staff for their valued help in making this sale a great success.